I want to walk outside Walk deep into the ocean and keep walking Riding the waves falling heavy into the tides Just like I fell in love with you Humming tunes that seagulls understand while wearing my heart like an albatross Fully on my sleeve Broken or not The pieces creating a wrinkled map The…
If you found out that you only had a week to live what would you do? Would you change anything? I’ll read the answers in an upcoming YouTube video.
Listen to me talk in circles and talk about touching you. Wait, what? It’s not quite what it seems, I promise. It’s my first vlog. A lot of readers have been asking me to post a weekly vlog, so I’ll try.
An ocean of regret swallows me as I fight for each breath My anxiety and depression push me under each wave likes masked bandits robbing me of my life My time Our time is so short and here I am in a self-induced coma afraid to step out of my own front door Afraid to…
Sometimes it’s hard giving up a piece of your soul. It’s where I write from. It’s who I am. Sometimes I give a lot, sometimes just enough but it’s always hard to give the stuff I write a chance to see the light of all of you. It’s like my soul stands naked in the…
As much as you hate me You hate yourself more You can tell lies and place blame …but blame from the level of your soul That’s where the truth hides You want the world to shine You want love and happiness You toss people aside like trash …you don’t care from the level of your…
The morning air bites crisp on my neck as I sit alone pondering who and what we are My breath visibly displays its truth as it dissipates Everything in life is temporary I listen to the birds chirping Singing songs to melodies, as humans, we will never understand My emotions draw deep as I…
Sometimes you’re right where the Universe places you and other times you find your self lost. Regardless of where you are the path you take will eventually lead you back to where you need to be and to your true self. Your soul is covered in Xs where you thought found treasure and each X…
It’s just a couple of minutes at the Oregon Coast we shot with our GoPro. It’s pretty peaceful.