poem, poetry, poet, photography, photographer

I live in a dark place A place where I have no voice and all the base has been taken out of the music I only hear the drums beating in the back of my head Keeping me awake Night after night The clock ticking tick tock tick tock I want to wake up but…

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( A #poem about #depression ) In plain sight

An ocean of regret swallows me as I fight for each breath My anxiety and depression push me under each wave likes masked bandits robbing me of my life My time Our time is so short and here I am in a self-induced coma afraid to step out of my own front door Afraid to…

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The level of your soul

As much as you hate me You hate yourself more You can tell lies and place blame …but blame from the level of your soul That’s where the truth hides You want the world to shine You want love and happiness You toss people aside like trash …you don’t care from the level of your…

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Live in it

I stand before you My life naked to the world The king of squandered potential The leper you created to frighten yourself Stories you tell to frighten small children The same children you beat and rape Hiding in the shadows of your mind I live rent free  Leaping out to the sounds of silence  …but…

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Walking the River 

Somewhere Sometimes   I walk Deep inside my mind  My heart open to the Universe  To ideas  Ideas of being a better man and you are right by my side My love Guiding me along the river of my own chakras Freeing my ego  Melting the ice that surrounds my passion  Leading beside the still waters …

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A pale blue light

A pale blue light flickering is all that remains of us Across the room Across the universe  Carrying my thoughts far from the voices in my head The voice that was once yours No voice of reason Like a lighthouse guiding ships to safe harbor that blue light fades My thoughts light shipwrecks sinking below…

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Let me slip into something a little more comfortable  She whispered  Kissing my cheek  I smiled and just sipped my bourbon  She reappeared quicker than usual  Her heavenly figure silhouetted by the light outside of the bedroom window  She walked softly and deliberately across the hardwood floor How like an angel she appears  Glowing  I…

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You stood there in the middle of the street Your breath frozen rising like a puff of cigarette smoke Slowly fading into nothing With the silence and patience of a statue   A form of goddess giving birth to dreams and whimsical fascinations  I can feel my heart beating  Faster than the sounds of fleeing…

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My temple 

My fingers walked silently up your thighsYour body tremblingYour breath falling shallows  Your heart wide open to mine as we find all lengths of eternity in each other Music from the wind whispering through the trees as I worship in the temple of your body   

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