I have a dark stain on my soul
but you are outright evil
Like sun burnt sunflowers begging for life
Taking what your given
Love, hearts, and hands
and then twisting them like a scheming alchemist to your own intention
Your words spread lies that would embarrass Judas
Your voice spreads misinformation and misdirection like a high pitched siren that should be used like a warning to the small children
The children suffering under your thumb
Holding on for spite and that 30 pieces of silver given at the first of the month
Keep it
Keep what you covet so deeply and release the children from a life of rage and hate
Look at your life
The lies
Why would you keep hidden and then deal out the same pain you were given
Rise up and feel the sun
Even the devil has his standards
Where are yours?
Live in that shade you cast
Live in the lies you spread
You’ve made your bed