Please donate!

Please donate to Autism Skates! Every donation goes towards our goal to help children with autism gain confidence and learn to skate. These are Skater Trainers. This is one example of the types of tools we use to help children on the spectrum learn to skate. Go visit and buy a pair for…

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You are here…

Sometimes you get that feeling. Maybe its nostalgia and maybe it’s regret. You try to fight it, ignore it but you just can’t seem to shake It. All you can do is smile and except the fact that the universe has a plan. It might not be what you had in mind, but look at the…

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Coming to grips.

One of the hardest thins in my life was coming to grips that I might be an atheist. If you know my background then it’s easy to see why. I was deeply involved in the church. I was a minister, and a youth evangelist. I went on mission trips, and even worked as a Christian…

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I Create Me

I am responsible for my own destiny. I create my own reason for being. It’s easy to call upon God to suffer Your fears and your sins. It’s much harder to face your Fears alone. Standing in the Face of pain and heartache, We are alone. We find solace in the company Of other strangers….

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