Every morning I wish upon a bright star that rests just above the horizon hanging above the mountains in the east
I see your face
Happy and dancing
The drums hitting hard like my dreams under the light of the candles and me kissing your lips
I waited too long for that kiss
As I make my wish I see the star dissipate and dividing into a thousand pieces falling to earth just like my dreams
Spreading their love over the brow of the mountains like early morning snow
I smile as my memories take me to the beach
The great Pacific Ocean making love to the Oregon Coast
Walking with you
Watching your smile
You told me you loved me as you took my hand
You seemed so shy when you said it
We both know that you aren’t that shy but we also know it’s the first time we discovered what love really is
What love was really about
What we were made for
Loving each other
Day quickly turns to night
Life quickly turns too dark
My life in your eyes lasts an eternity
Just like the setting sun rests it’s weary head on the soft shoulder of the ocean covered by a blanket of stars
I lay my head on your breast covered by the light of a thousand stars shining from your eyes