Rabbit Hole 

I gave you my two cents and you tossed me away  Like a torn dollar bill Even though my closed eyelids I see the fire dancing  I’ve gone as far down the rabbit hole as I care to travel  I’ve never thought of giving up Never thought of leaving  I’ve taken this too far If…

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Things bald guys understand…

If you’re a bald man you’ve probably been asked these questions and scratch your beautiful shiny dome afterwards. 7 things bald guys are asked by their significant others: Did you take my brush? Did you take my hair dryer?  Have you seen my flat iron? Have you used my curling iron? Did you use my…

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So Little 

The snow fell in silence over the lake Morose and frigid  As I stood waiting for your touch  My lips chapped My thoughts scattered  Waiting  It seems like I’m always waiting for something  You I spend too much time alone  Too much for my heart to like it Too much for my weary soul  I’m…

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I wish I could cry At least I might feel better Feel something  Someone  Does anyone feel for me? No I didn’t think so I can look away Sometimes I want to walk away  but where would I go? Where would I rest my head Weary and lost Alone in a crowd of strangers Who…

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Multnomah Falls Oregon

Multnomah Falls, Oregon in the winter.   Multnomah Falls is the most visited recreation site in the Pacific Northwest with 2 million stopping each year to take in the views! It features the 2nd highest waterfall in the United States. Fed by underground springs from Larch Mountain, the flow over the falls varies, usually it’s…

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Walking the River 

Somewhere Sometimes   I walk Deep inside my mind  My heart open to the Universe  To ideas  Ideas of being a better man and you are right by my side My love Guiding me along the river of my own chakras Freeing my ego  Melting the ice that surrounds my passion  Leading beside the still waters …

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A pale blue light

A pale blue light flickering is all that remains of us Across the room Across the universe  Carrying my thoughts far from the voices in my head The voice that was once yours No voice of reason Like a lighthouse guiding ships to safe harbor that blue light fades My thoughts light shipwrecks sinking below…

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Let me slip into something a little more comfortable  She whispered  Kissing my cheek  I smiled and just sipped my bourbon  She reappeared quicker than usual  Her heavenly figure silhouetted by the light outside of the bedroom window  She walked softly and deliberately across the hardwood floor How like an angel she appears  Glowing  I…

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Self love

We had high hopes  You and I Once we were going to conquer the world We were going to be wild and free Once we were going to be real and faithful  Once upon a time  So long ago Now I see you and see vague illusions of what you were Grander delusions of happiness …

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