So Little 

The snow fell in silence over the lake Morose and frigid  As I stood waiting for your touch  My lips chapped My thoughts scattered  Waiting  It seems like I’m always waiting for something  You I spend too much time alone  Too much for my heart to like it Too much for my weary soul  I’m…

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Walking the River 

Somewhere Sometimes   I walk Deep inside my mind  My heart open to the Universe  To ideas  Ideas of being a better man and you are right by my side My love Guiding me along the river of my own chakras Freeing my ego  Melting the ice that surrounds my passion  Leading beside the still waters …

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In your eyes

For a moment we held eternity  Our hands wet with sand slipping Like an hourglass our seconds slowly faded Under a sunset of blue and pink  Next to an ocean of hope we renewed our love Slowly One step at a time Like the healing waves of the Pacific we healed our hearts  Healing each…

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Sober Thoughts 

All my mind can see is your face Burning into eternity as our souls lock into something deeper than love I live in the past Mine and yours  They haunt me Even though your hand reached through the vast darkness rescuing my heart I’m still stuck in  caverns of despair and melancholy  A darkness as…

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An essay on sadness

Some days I want to sit and cry I’m not sad I’m not sure what I am My heart is at peace As peace as it can be When my anxiety doesn’t take hold of the wheel anyway Even then I’m not sad I don’t know what I am I am Something else Someone else…

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What scares me?

What ifs don’t scare me. Neither do what would be or what could have been. I don’t live my life by the fear of dying. Fuck, we’re all going to die. I’m not afraid of the weather, of water, or of any other element that stands before me. I’ve stood in the crashing waves of…

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Love, fear, and karma…

I don’t need to hate people. I don’t need to wish them a bad life, or have any desire to wish any harm come to them. Karma catches up with people. It has with me, and it has with you. I have only love in my heart. Even the people everyone else tells me I…

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Happy Fathers Day

If you’re life seems miserable then do something to change it. I get it, I do. The bills are past due, you got divorced, your kids other parent aren’t living up to YOUR expectations of their life, or you just aren’t happy. I get it, I really do, but let’s say for a minute you…

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