Sup, Tanis?

I appreciate all the email, texts, calls, instamessages, tweets, and all the other methods you use to connect with me. I’m touched that so many people are concerned that I haven’t been writing as much. So what’s up? I’ve been in the process of moving into a new house. I’m still working at Certa Seal,…

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That Kiss

“If I were you”  She says  “I’d run” She laughed, and turned to face me. “I’m kidding. I am. You shouldn’t be scared of me. I’m direct, and I know what I want. That scares most men.” She paused and looked at me. She ran her soft hand down the side of my face, and…

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Relationship Status

I had recently changed my Facebook relationship status to “In a complicated relationship”. Now say what you want about your Facebook friends, but mine really are the best in the world! (even the people I frustrate every day with endless quotes from Buddha and Snoopy) My friends immediately surrounded me, like a wagon train, and…

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