My conversation with Stephanie…

I’ve thought a lot lately about my life. This was the response to a comment she made on my Facebook page. She’s a wonderful friend who forces me to think about things in a totally different perspective. I don’t have many “close” friends, but the friends I have are very close. My close friends and family are what have really helped me stand tall lately.

I would like to give a special thanks to all of them, and they know who they are…


Me: Any time someone special to me takes their valuable time to even think about me, it’s big.

Stephanie: That kind of appreciation keeps me being who I am, especially when so many people don’t give a damn.

Me: Lately, especially lately, I’ve come to realize that there are a very few people who really care about me, or even care to know the truth about me. I wanted so long for people to like me, like who I was. I discovered that in order for other people to like me, I needed to like me. I didn’t. I do now. So those few people who really care about me, care about me. I care about them. They don’t define who I am, but they help me keep the definition of who I want to be.