Your love is the river flowing from Eden
and I am denied access
Guarded by your inner demons
Holding me at your will
Your knife sharp at my throat
A sacrifice for your gods
The same gods you scream for in your bed
Our alter
Praying to no one
Preying on my heart
Stabbing me deep in my soul
As I fall away
Spiraling into the great abyss
Darkness surrounding me
Falling as hard as I fell for you
Alone to ponder how deep I am still sinking
Loneliness is it’s own hell
Stripped away from the hands of the ones I love
The ones I hold dear
As you sit upon your high pale horse
Holding the rope just out of reach
The same rope I’ll hang from when the Crone finds me
The same rope that held us tight
Like a thin silver cord attached to our astral selves
I hope I wake up soon
Twitter and Instagram: @tanisjustice