Love yourself…

Let’s face it, unless you love yourself it’s really hard to love other people. That’s not to say you always need to like yourself. There are days when I want to punch myself in the face, but to love yourself, even accept yourself for who you are, takes courage. I don’t always like myself, but I do love myself. Once you have that foundation it becomes easier to know your worth. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel less than what you are, which is amazing. 

What are you worth? You were made from stardust. You’re the only you. Your inner light shines like a sun, and your inner self glows like a full moon. Get excited about yourself, and get to know your self. Then you’ll really find that your worth is so much greater than you might have realized. Once this happens the love your are able to give other people will grow. Kindness and compassion will feel as natural as breathing. 

It all starts with you. 
